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Доусон К. Религия и культура




The Age of the Gods. A study in the origins of culture in prehistoric Europe and the ancient East. [With a bibliography]. London: John Murray, 1928. XX, 446 p., III pli.

Progress and Religion. An historical enquiry. London: Sheed & Ward, 1929. XVII, 254 p. Christianity and Sex. London: Faber & Faber, 1930. 40 p. [Criterion Miscellany. No. 13]. Christianity and the New Age. London: Sheed & Ward, 1931. 110 p. [Essays in Order. No. 3]. The Making Europe. An introduction to the history of European unity [With a bibliography, plates and folding maps]. London: Sheed & Ward, 1932. XXIV, 317 p.

The Modern Dilemma: the problem of European unity. London: Sheed & Ward, 1932. 113 p. [Essays in Order. No. 8].

Enquires into Religion and Culture. London and New York: Sheed & Ward, 1933. XI, 347 p.

The Spirit of the Oxford Movement. London: Sheed & Ward, 1933. XV, 144 p.

Medieval Religion — The Forwood. Lectures, 1934 — and other essays. London: Sheed & Ward, 1934. VII, 195 p.

Edward Gibbon... From Proceedings of the British Academy, etc. London: Humphrey Milford, [1934]. 24 p. [British Academy. Annual Lecture on a Master Mind, Henriette Hertz Trust, 1934],

Religion and the Modern State... With a frontispiece by Eric Gill. London: Sheed & Ward, 1935. XXII, 154 p.

Medieval Christianity. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1935. 32 p. [Studies in Comparative Religion. No. 25].

Twelve Selections from Christopher Dawson. Sheed and Ward samplers. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1936.

Beyond Politics. London: Sheed & Ward, 1939. 136 p.

The Sword of the Spirit. [Reprinted from “The Dublin Review”]. London: Sands, [1942]. 15 p. [Sword of the Spirit Pamphlets].

Christian Freedom. London: Sands, [1943]. 12 p. [Sword of the Spirit Pamphlets. No. 5].

The Judgement of the Nations. London: Sheed & Ward, 1943. V, 154 p.

In the Power of the Spirit. London: Sword of the Spirit, [1943]. 12 p.

The Renewal of Civilization. London: National Peace Council, [1943]. 11 p. [Peace Aims Pamphlet. No. 20].

Europe — a Society of Peoples. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1946. 16 p.

It shall not happen here. London: Sword of the Spirit, [1947]. 18 p.

Religion and Culture. Gifford Lectures. Delivered in the University of Edinburgh in the year 1947. London: Sheed & Ward, 1948. V, 225 p.

Religion and the Rise of Western Culture. Gifford Lectures. Delivered in the University of Edinburgh in the year 1948-1949. [With plates]. London: Sheed & Ward, 1950. XVI, 286 p.

Understanding Europe. London and New York: Sheed & Ward, 1952. IX, 261 p.

Medieval Essays. London and New York: Sheed & Ward, 1953. VII, 271 p.

The Makers of Christendom. General editor: C. Dawson. London and New York: Sheed & Ward, 1954.

The Mongol Mission. Narratives and letters of the Franciscan missionaries in Mongolia and China in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Translated by a nun of Stanbrook Abbey. Edited and with an introduction by C. Dawson. [With genealogical plates and a map]. London and New York: Sheed & Ward, 1955. XXXIX, 246 p. [The Makers of Christendom].

The Dynamics of World History... [Selected writings]. Edited by John J. Mulloy. [With a portrait]. London: Sheed &Ward, 1957. XIV, 489 p.

The Revolt of Asia. [Reprinted from "The Tablet"]. London and New York: Sheed & Ward, 1957. 48 p.

The Movement of World Revolution. London: Sheed & Ward, 1959. 179 p.

America and the Secularization of Modern Culture. The Smith Lecture sponsored by the Department of History of the University of St. Thomas. Houston: University of St. Thomas, 1960. 31 p.

The Historic Reality of Christian Culture. A way to the renewal of human life. New York: Harper & Bros., [i960]. 124 p. [Religious Perspectives. Vol. 1].

The Crisis of Western education... With specific programs for the study of Christian culture by John J. Mulloy. London: Sheed & Ward, 1961. VI, 246 p.

The Dividing of Christendom. Foreword by Douglas Hotron. New York: Sheed & Ward, [1965]. X, 304 p. (English edition with an introduction by David Knowles. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1971. X, 286 p.)

Mission to Asia. (Medieval Academy reprints for Teaching Ser.) Toronto: Harper & Row Publ., 1966.

The Formation of Christendom. New York: Sheed & Ward, [1967]. X, 309 p.

The Gods of Revolution. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1972. XVII, 173 p.

Religion and World History: selection from the works of Christopher Dawson / edited by James Oliver and Christina Scott; foreword by R. C. Zaehner. 1st ed. Garden City, New York: Image Books, 1975. 351 p. (An Image book original.) Christianity in East and West. Ed. JohnMulloy. La Salle, Illinois: Sugden, 1981.

Religion and Western. New York, 1991. Democracy and Peace. Christopher Dawson and Malcolm Spencer. [Containing the complete text of an address by C. H. Dawson entitled “The Two Currents in the Modern Democratic Tradition*, delivered at the conference on “Democracy and Peace” held at Oxford in April, 1945. With a compilation by M. Spencer from material contributed by various other speakers at the conference]. London: National Peace Council, [1945]. 32 p. [Peace Aims Pamphlet].

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