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Парсонс Т. Система современных обществ



1 Вебер М Протестантская этика и дух капитализма//Вебер М Избранные произведения М Прогресс, 1990

2 Дюркгейм Э Разделение общественного труда М Канон, 1996

3 Дюркгейм Э Самоубийство социологический этюд М Мысль, 1994

4 Зомбарт В Современный капитализм Т 1- 2 М , 1903-1905, Т 3 М-Л , 1930

5 Кейнс Дж М Общая теория занятости, процента и денег М Прогресс, 1978

6 Bales R F Interaction process analysis a method for the study of small groups Cambridge (Mass) Addison-Wesley, 1950

7 Bernard С An introduction to the study of experimental medicme/Transl byHC Green NY Daler, 1957

8 Cannon WB The wisdom of the body NY Norton, 1932

9 Durkheim E De la division du travail social P, 1893 Engl transl by G Simpson NY Free Press, 1964

10 Erikson E Youth fidelity and diversity//Daedalus Winter 1962 P 5-27

11 Fuller L The anatomy of the law NY Praeger, 1968

12 Henderson L J Pareto's general sociology A physiologist's interpretation Cambridge (Mass ) Harvard Univ Press, 1935

13 L J Henderson on the social system/Ed by В Barber Chicago Univ of Chicago Press, 1970

14 Romans G С Social behavior its elementary forms N Y Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961

15 Homans G С The nature of social science N Y Harcourt, Brace & World, a Harbinger Book, 1967

16 Homans G С Contemporary theory in sociology//Handbook for modern sociology/Ed by R E L Fans Chicago Rand McNalley, 1964.

17 Keynes J General theory of employment, interest, and money N Y Harcourt, Brace & World, 1936, Marshall A Principles of economics L Macmillan & Co, 1925

18 Nisbet R A The sociological tradition NY Basic Books, 1966

19 On fighting poverty/Ed by J L Sundquest NY Basic Books, 1969

20 On understanding poverty/Ed by D P Moymhan N Y Basic Books, 1969


21 Parsons T Wants and activities and Marshall //Quarterly Journal of Economics 1931 Vol 46 P 101-140

22 Parsons Т Economics and sociology Marshall in relation to the thought of his time//Quarterly Journal of Economics 1931 Vol 46 P 316,347

23 Parsons Т The structure of social action N Y McGrow-Hill, 1937

24 Parsons Т The social system NY Free Press, 1951

25 Parsons Т Social structure and the development of personality Freud's contribution to the integration of psychology and sociology//Social structure and personality N Y Free Press, 1964

26 Parsons Т The problem of controlled institutional change//Essays in sociological theory NY Free Press, 1954

27 Parsons Т Malmowski and the social systems//Man and culture/Ed by R Firth L Routledge and К Paul, 1957

28 Parsons Т Evolutionary umversals in society//American Sociological Review Vol 29 № 3

29 Parsons Т Christianity//International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences/Ed by D Sills N Y Macmillan and Free Press, 1968

30 Parsons Т Christianity and modern industrial society//Sociological theory, values, and sociocultural change Essays in honor of P A Sorokm/Ed by E Tiryakian N Y Free Press, 1963

31 Parsons Т Societies Evolutionary and comparative perspectives Engle-wood Cliffs (N J ) Prentice-Hall, 1966

32 Parsons Т The system of modern societies Englewood Cliffs (N J ) Prentice-Hall, 1971

33 Parsons Т Durkheim's contribution to the integration of social systems//Emile Durkheim, 1858—1917 a collection of essays with translations and a biography/Ed by К Wolff Columbus Ohio State Umv Press, 1960

34 Parsons Т Sociological theory and modern society N Y Free Press, 1967

35 Parsons Т Age and sex in the social structure of the United States // American Sociological Review 1942 Vol 7 October P 604-616 Перепечатано в Essays in sociological theory

36 Parsons Т Kinship and the associational aspects of social structure// Kinship and culture/Ed by F L К Hsu Chicago Aldme Press, 1971

37 Parsons Т The school class as a social system some of its functions in American society//Harward Educational Review 1959 Vol 29 P 297-318

38 Parsons Т Some problems of general theory in sociology

39 Parsons Т The sociology of knowledge and the history of ideas//Dic-tionary of the history of ideas/Ed by Ph Wiener NY Scnbner, 1971

40 Parsons Т , Bales R F, Olds J, Zeldich M, Slater Ph Family, socialization, and interaction process NY Free Press, 1967

41 Parsons T, Smelser N Economy and society NY Free Press, 1956

42 Paisons T, Platt G M Higher education, changing socialization, and contemporary student dissent//A sociology of age stratification/Ed by M Ri-Icy NY Russel Sage Foundation, 1971

43 Paisons T, Platt G The American academic profession a pilot stud} Cambridge (Mass), 1968


44. Schneider D.M. American kinship: a cultural approach. Englewood Cliffs (N.J.): Prentice-Hall, 1968.

45. Smelser N. Social change in the industrial revolution. Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1959; Essays in sociological explanation. Englewood Cliffs (N.J.): Prentice-Hall, 1968.

46. Sombart W. Der moderne Kapitalismus. 3 Bd. Leipzig : Duncker and Humblot, 1916.

47. Taussig F. W. Sociological elements in economic thought, I—II//Quar-terly Journal of Economics. 1935. Vol. 49. P. 414-453, 645-667.

48. Theoretical sociology: perspectives and developments/Ed, by J. Mckin-ney, E. Tiryakian. N.J.: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970.

49. Thomas W.I. The unadjusted girl. Boston : Little Brown, 1923.

50. Toennies F. Community and society [Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft]/ Transl. and ed. by Ch. P. Loomis. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1963.

51. Toward a general theory of action/Ed, by T. Parsons, E. Shils. Cambridge ( Mass. ): Harvard Univ. Press, 1951.

52. Vaihinger H. The philosophy of «As if»/Transl. by С . К . Ogden . N.Y.: Barnes & Noble, 1952.

53. Weber M. The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. L.: Alien and Unwin, 1930.

54. Whitehead A. N. Science and the modern world. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1926.

55. Working papers in the theory of action/Ed, by R. F. Bales, T. Parsons, E. Shils. N . Y .: Free Press , 1953.

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