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Циркин Ю. Карфаген и его культура



ВДИ — Вестник древней истории. М.

Вестник ЛГУ-— Вестник Ленинградского государственного университета. Л .

ABSA — The Annual of British School at Athens. L.

Achil. Tat. — Achillaei Tatii de Leucippa et Cleitophonte.

AEArq — Archivo Espanol dc Arqueologia. Madrid.

Ael. Var. hist. — Claudii Aeliani Varia historica.

Act. Plac. phil. — Aetii Placita philosophonim.

AJA — American Journal of Archaeology, Princeton.

AJPh — American Journal of Philology. Baltimore.

Annali — Instiluto orientate di Napoli. Annali. Napoli.

Aniiali di Pisa -- Annali della Sciiola Siiperiore normale di Pisa, claase di lettere e filosofia. Pisa.

Apollod. — Apollodori bihliotheca.

App. Hannib. — Appiani Bellum Hannibalicnm.

App. Hisp. — Appiani Bcllnm Hiapaniensc.

App. Lib. — Appiani Bellum Libycum.

App. Samn. — Appiani Bellum Samnicum.

App. Sic. — Appiani Bellum Siculum.

Apul. Flor. — Apulei Florida.

Apui. Met. —¦ Apulei Metamorphoseon libri XI.

Arist. Pol. — Aristotelis PolUica.

Arr. Anab. — Flavii Arriani Anabasis Alexandre

Ath. — Athenaei Deipnosophista«.

Athen. Poliorcet. — Athenaei Poliorcetci neoi p,T]xaur|u.aTU)v.

August, civ. Dei — Aurelii Augustini De civitate Dei. August. En. in Ps. — Aurelii Augustini Enarrationes in Psalmos. August. Sermo — Aurelii Augustini Sermoncs. AuJBA — Austrotian Journal of Biblical Archaeology. Sydney. Av. — Archeologie vivante. Av. or. mar. — Avieni ora maritiina. BCH — Bulletin de Correspondence Hollcnique. P. САН — Cambridge Ancient History. Cambridge. Cat. de agr. — M. Porcii Catonis de agricultura. Cic. de nat. deor. — M.-Tullii Ciceronis de natura deorum. Cic. in Verr. — M. Tullii Ciceronis oratio in Verrcm. CIL — Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Bcrolini. CIS — Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, pars I. Parisiis. Col. — L. Iimii Moderati Columellae rei rustici libti. Col. de arbor. — L. lunii Moderati Columellae de arboribus liber. CRAIBL — Comptes rendus des seances dc I'Academie dcs Inscriptions et Belles-lettres. P.

Curt. Ruf. — Q. Ctirtii Kufi Historianim Alexandri regis Macedonnm libri qui

supersunt. Dent. — Deiiteronomium (Biblia Hebraica). Diod. — Uiodori Siculi Bibliothecae historicae qui supersunt. Diog. Laert. — Diogeni Laertii Vitae philosophorum. Dioni Chris. Or. — Dioni Chrisostomi Orationes. Eos. — Eos. Commentarii societatis philologiae Polonorum. Wroclaw. Eph. fr. — Ephori fragmenta. Ex. — Exodus (Biblia Hebraica). Ez. — Ezechiel (Biblia Hebraica).

E. gr. Hist. — Die Fragmente der griechischen Hisloriker, FHG — Fragmenta Historiconim Graecorutn. Gen. — Genesis (Biblia Hebraica). GGM — Geographi Graeci minores.

Hannoni periplus — Hannoni Carthaginiensium regis periplus. Her. — Herodoti Historiarum lihri IX. Hier. Ep. — Hieronymi Epistulae. Horn. U. — Homed Ilia's.

I El'CO App. — Le iscrizioni fenicie e puniche delle colonie in Occidente. Appendice. I El'CO Malta — Le iscrizioni fenicie e puniche delle colonie in Occidente. Malta. IKPCO Sard. — Le iscrizioni fenicie e puniche delle colonie in Occidente. Sardegna. IFPCO Sard. Npu — Le iscrizioni fenicie e puniche delle colonie in Occidente.

Sardegna. Iscrizioni neopuniche. IFPCO Sic. — Le iscrizioni fenicie e puniche delle colonie in Occidente. Sicilia. IFPCO Spa. Le iscrizioni fenicie e puniche delle colonie in Occidente. Spagna. Ies. — Iesaia (Biblia Hebraica). 1G — Inscriptiones Graecae.

los. Ant. lud. — Iosephi Flavii Antiquitat.es ludaicae. los. Contra App. — Iosephi Flavii Contra Appionein. Iraq — Iraq Journal of British Archaeology. L. Iuba fr. — Iubae Mauritani fragmenta. lud. — Iudices (Biblia Hebraica). lul. Or. — luliani Orationes.

lust. — M. Iuniani lustini Trogi Pompei Historiarum Philippicamm epitoma. Jor. — Joremia (Biblia Hebraica). JHS — The Journal of Hellenic Studies. L. KAI — Kannaanaische und aramaische Inschriften. Liv. — Titi Livii ab urbe condita libri. Liv. per. — Titi Livii ab urbe condita libri; periochae. Luc. de dea Syra — Lnciani Samosatensis de dea Syra. Lyd. de mens. — lohanni Lydi de rnensibus. Macroh. Saturn. — Amhrosii Theodosii Macrobii Saturnalia. Marc. Her. Ep. per. Men. — Marciani Heracleensis ex Ponto Epitome peripli

Mela — Pomponii Melae de chorographia libri tres.
MM — Madrider Mitteilurtgen. Madrid.
Nav. — lesus Navinus (Biblia Hebraica).
Nep. Ham. — Cornelii Nepotis Vita Hatnilcaris.
Nop. Hannib. — Cornelii Nepotis Vita Hannibalis.
Oros. — Pauli Orosii Historiae adversus paganos.
Pans. — Pausanii Graeciae descriptio.
Phil. — PhiloTiis Byblii fragmenta.
Pind. I Pyth. - Pindari 1 Pythia.
Plat. leg. — Platonis leges.
Plaul. Casina — T. Maccaei 1'lauti Casina.
Plant. Poen. — T. Maccaei Plauti Poenulus. 255

Chapter V, Religion. In the centre of the Carthaginian pantheon were healing gods, the patron of Carthage was Eshmun whose temple was in the very city-centre. Tinnit started to become prominent since the mid-5th с . В . С . Her ciild^. had existed even earlier, but ever since that time she moved to the foreground in connection with social and economic and political changes in Punic society. The other major god was Ba'al-Hammon. Other cults are also considered, all the cults are given in evolution. A survey is given of the temples, priesthood. rituals, sacrificial practice, cults of the dead and burials.

Chapter VI, Sciences, starts with the features of the Carthaginian version of the Phoenician language. Punic ami neo-Pnnie. arts of writing are analysed. Further, the chapter proceeds to historiography, geography, agronomy, and philosophy. The available chronology shows that Carthaginian science started to evolve in the 4th с . В . С .

Chapter VII, Arts. Two stages in the history of Carthaginian art are distinguished, with the 4th с . В . С . being their borderline. Three trends are distinguished in 4th-2nd ее . В . С art: Graeco-Hunic, Graecizing and Traditional.

Conclusion sums up the hook. Carthage's history is divided into four periods: 9th —early 7th cc. B. C: early 7th —mid-5th cc; mid-5th с — 201 В . С ., and 201 — 146 В . С . The second stage was of special significance as it was the time when the forming of the Carthaginian power took place, on the one hand. and of its social and political system, on the other. The resvilt was the evoWement of the Carthaginian polis. The third stage is that of the evolving ideological superstructure subjected to a strong Greek influence. At that time, Hellinistic-type structures began to appear inside Carthaginian society and state. The fourth stage saw the crisis of the Carthaginian polis finalized by the Roman capture. The history of Carthage shows the development of an Oriental city into an antique state, producing an original culture incorporating eastern, western and antique influences.

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